Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Day 1 & 2

Day 1: I worked her in the round pen and she did well. She was very responsive and squared up to me nicely. Within the half hour she was basically following me around the round pen. I also was able to halter her and rub her down on the withers and neck. By the end of the session she was starting to lead.

Day 2: I'm still kickin' around different names for this gal. Nothing has stuck yet. I did more round pen work with her. I also was able to pick up a couple of her feet, rub all over her body, and get her desensitized to different objects. By the end of the session she was wearing a girth strap and I released her into the arena. When I went to take the girth strap off later on, I was able to walk up to her in the arena. Suprisingly, she just let me catch her with ease and take the strap off easily. She starting to show some of her gentle personality. Just watching her in the arena, she is very kind and gentle.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Good job on the blog! I have added you to my bloglines so I can keep updated on your progress. Good luck!