Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some Snapshots of Sara

"Oh scratch a little more to the left."

Checkin' for thinner air.
The start into a slow spin.
No really, we were sidepassing.
Bridge work.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Another Serendipitious Moment

Collected Jog Trot

  At the Lope

Making New Friends

Learning to Spin to the Left
Now to the Right

I finally got my building finished so I can ride in it.  It took longer than expected but it has been nice on these wet, windy days. I wish I could have got it done earlier, but I'm extrememly glad I have it now. Now my life is a lot easier since weather doesn't dictate what I can and can't do.

Serendipity is starting to gain confidence and starting to do thing correctly. She stops well and has a really nice jog trot. Today we learned to side pass and open gates. Her transistions seem to be getting smoother. She is very trusting.  Today it was raining.  By the time I got "Sara" over to the tack shed to saddle her, it was pouring down rain. So I just led her inside the tack shed, took off her blanket and saddled her up with cats and objects blowing all around her.  She just took it in stride.