Monday, March 23, 2009

I would like to thank several people for all the help during the mustang's time here and also at the Northwest mustang challenge.

*I would like to thank Wayne Maggard for all the horsemanship advice that he has given me during the training process and everyone at the Rocking A ranch for all the encouragement.
*My wife for all the behind the scenes help, the blog, the organizing before leaving and all support
*Tyrell Phelps and Jerel Bowen for the help when I was at the competition in Albany. they were my set up crew and also Tyrell was my blogger while we were in Albany. Jerel helped a lot with the long drive. Both of them made sure I was where I was supposed to be during the challenge, because I have a tendency to talk a lot and lose track of time.
*Jaci Weishaar for all the help with the primping and grooming on Destiny.
*Thanks to Diana Clark for helping us come up with a name for Dynamite's Destiny
*Also thanks to all the other trainers at the challenge. I have always had an open mind to learning new things and I learned several things by watching everyone compete.
*Thanks to all my family, they are always calling to check in on the progress and Dad would find the Internet where he could to check the Blog.
*Thanks for all the neighbors, friends, and Junior high basketball boys that I coach, for coming over and helping me desensitize Dynamites Destiny to people. Special thanks to Jen Nielson & Tyrell for getting my music ready. My mother-in-law & father-in-law for helping with the chores while I was gone. Thanks to my mother-in-law, Patti, for helping me get ready to leave for the challenge.
*Thanks to all the people who work for the BLM and also for the Mustang Heritage Foundation employees (you all make the mustang challenge events a fun thing to participate in)
*And thanks to all my Blog followers, I know several of you have been keeping up regularly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful job, Matt. Well deserved honor. will you have mustangs at your place that are undergoing training ? take care, carol Kinsey