Today was a great day. I finally feel like spring is here. The wind quit and it was great weather for training horses. Ally was great today. I thought I would push her buttons to see what would get in her head and I found out that she is going to be a pretty level headed horse. Between the whip cracking lesson, roping lesson, barrel desensitization, turning and stopping, and standing on the saddle, I wasn't able to get her into a frazzle. (I've add pictures of today throughout my blog.) She is really starting to travel well and is becoming a fun horse to ride.
Your mustang is doing great!! I am glad you are blogging, it is fun to see all the mustangs and how fast they progress.
I am competing in the Midwest Mustang Challenge, only one more week until the competition! I am a little nervous to say the least.
Looks like you will be great when your competition rolls around, keep it up!!
Matt, how are things going?
Love that photo of you with your little girl there in the side bar!
You are doing an excellant job Matt. She is looking like just a regular stock horse not a wild mustang.
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