Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday the Fourth

Today was another great day. Ali and I worked on getting desensitized to things swinging overhead. I used my stock whip and rode her around the round pen then transitioned to a rope. I let the rope drag from behind until this didn't bother her anymore. Next, I pulled the rope to the opposite side so the rope was around her hindquarters and against her back legs as she was in motion. She was a little unsure about the whole process but she soon figured out that it wasn't a huge earthshaking experience. Once she was used to all the ropes being swung and drug everywhere, I began to throw a loop on the ground in front of her as she travelled around the round pen. Eventually, I threw a loop onto a plastic 55 gallon drum and drug it around the pen with Ali paying attention to the barrel for the first few minutes. I am heading to a branding in the morning and she will go with me just to make the trip, but she isn't quite ready for all the branding pen action. Maybe in a few weeks, we will be ready to drag a calf to the fire. She is beginning to stop fairly well and moves out well. At the end of the ride, as I was flexing her, I stood up in the saddle and stood on her and she just stood there. She makes huge progress everyday, and I am sure enjoying the experience.

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