Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Meet Raven

I thought I would update everyone on Destiny and how she is doing. Her new name is now Raven and it seems that Melissa and her are getting along just great in Central Oregon. We are glad she e-mails every once in a while to let us know what they have been up to. Raven found such an amazing home and a wonderful companion in Melissa!
Here are a couple of the things she had to say.....
April 16th:
We played with tarps today she was quite board with the whole thing. she walked over it than i put it on her, next I tied the tarp to a tree and had a friend hold it so that we could go under she was a little worried at first but after a few times going back and forth she was fine with the
whole thing. Shes such a good girl. Afterwards it was finally warm enough to give her a bath (she rolled in some mud that a couldn't get off) at first she didn't like it but after about 5 minutes she was fine!!
April 2nd:
Raven was Perfect for her first trim!! I am a farrier apprentice so I trimmed her. We were in a round pen just in case, I just tossed the rope over her back, and let her check out my tools, then I started on her feet. She was amazing!!!
March 28th:
I took destiny on a trail ride today!!! She was amazing. We crossed water, (which she loves to play in) cars past by, dogs barked, we went past deer, shes such a brave girl!! You really did a good job with her!! -Melissa

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